Allstudyx – Lot To Choose From Online Market

Allstudyx - Online Campus Based Marketplace To Sell or Buy Used Items

Some of the necessities of student life today include laptops to the priority list. Whereas you have the variety of these products available in the market today but aggressive technological changes and heavy price tags put the hold on these products to be in the buying list very often. Thus buying used items online is considered to be a smart opt while you are into school or college life.

The simple idea behind every transaction in used goods related to either budget constraint or change in buying needs where one wants to try all new technologies with a limited budget. Today used goods transactions are surmounting sales records in many sectors. The consumer uses one product for a period of time and shifts to another just to try something new. This change in buying pattern is boosting the sales of used products where nobody shies off using these products or afraid of being an owner of these pre-owned things. Continue Reading

Focus a Whole New World through an Artificial Eye (Camera)

Sell and Buy Used Cameras in Campus

Those were the times when teenagers and youngsters used to have typical hobbies as playing outdoor games, riding bikes, having interest in fine arts or in music or in dance. But times have changed now and so do we, the youngsters. With the ease of availability of internet and hence of social networking/media sites many of us spend our time on such networking websites. Online gaming or LAN gaming are so common these days that they never ever were. So many gadgets like play-stations, cameras and other devices are trending due to such games. We now have a lot of out of the box things, like shopping is still trending but it just has become online. We sit at our home, order the stuff and get it right in front of our eyes at home. Or with the help of some platforms like ours,, the buyer and seller can contact each other and can witness a fair deal which works out well for both. Continue Reading

Let Your Old Books Travel

Sell and Buy Used Books at Campus

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a young person in possession of good mind must read! Those of you who instantly said Jane Austen after reading this slightly different form of her opening line from classic, ‘Pride & Prejudice’ would have a hint as to what exactly are we going to talk about today. Yes, Books!

At Allstudyx we believe that books are more than just binding of pages, source of knowledge or even our friends. They are memories. They are the smell of those old pages from favourite novel, reminder of those late night group studies before exams where actually reading them used to be the last thing on mind, memory of using that favourite quote or references over and over again until your friends asked you to shut up, that reading to calm your nerves, living those most amazing characters, reading the same book god knows how many times and smiling each time nonetheless, having the long title of that worst course book as social networking password, finding a red rose dried up in one of them after a long time, feeling good after completing it night before exam…basically everything! One look at any one of your books and it becomes a story on its own. Continue Reading


used watches to sell or buy

In today’s swift lifestyle it’s the time that decides whether you are up or down in your life at the present moment. To have an idea of our good or bad times a few of us often go to Astrologers, who in turn need the time of your birth (What a pity!). And if anybody asks this question that where do we find this time? Well, fine; the simplest answer would be in your watches and clocks the most. Or may be your grandpa can say, “My old crush! My Old Cuckoo-Clock!”

To understand this whole vicious cycle of time let’s shift our perspective a bit. We consider a different paradigm to fathom it. Let’s sift the time and the dime! Continue Reading

Some Fine Old Furniture

sell used furniture in college

When a child is born, he opens his eyes to the world. His mother plays the role of his first guru and allows him to see the world through her eyes. He experiences every minute detail with a great surprise and astonishment. As he keeps on growing he learns to eat, to sit, to walk, to talk, to understand, to identify and when the time comes that he can learn to write, he gets his maiden stationary, pencils, rubber, sharpener and what not. But the most overlooked thing here appears to be the furniture. That fine old furniture, for which nobody cares, but has been means of a child’s learning and growth since generations, since ages. It has remained most inevitable part in every single family member’s life. Continue Reading

College Life – Memories Last Forever

College Memories Forever

College life Aaah aaa! Or Wow!  That’s the first expression when you ask any student or alumni for their memories or expectations for this once in a lifetime moment. Chilling out with friends, talking of all senseless things , bunking classes, watching movies, bike race and much more but not to forget that ‘Eleventh-hour’ study are the fond memories of everyone.

You start with a school life going school before time, strict teachers, tight schedule, lot to read and write, limited circle of friends, tiny fights and lot more makes you feel like to get rid of all these limitations and finally College comes up as a solution to our mind. Continue Reading

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