How To Turn Your Android Into JARVIS…!!!

How To Turn Your Android Into JARVIS…!!!

Have you seen the movie Iron Man…? Oh, you must have and you must have loved the character of billionaire Tony Stark, in the movie he was a CEO of a weapon making company who was responsible to supply military weapons to US Army.

Along with the character of Tony Stark, there was one more character in movie whose existence in the movie made it super excited. J.A.R.V.I.S. (Stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System).

Yes, the Jarvis. We all loved the way tony stark used to interact with this assistant which he developed with the Artificial Intelligence, the theory and development of computer systems, which can perform all the tasks that require human beings.

Also, it helped the billionaire to take various decisions in his life. Well who doesn’t want technology like this. Everyone Does. Everyone wants to have a constant companion like this, who shall help them in their hard times, by giving proper useful advice at the time when it is needed. As the Jarvis in the movie used to give to Tony Stark during his hard times.

Currently we can’t have access to that technology easily, as it requires a lot of money for the proper setup required. As it includes a lot of expensive sensors, which are hard to find in the market. Also Jarvis was quite sophisticated in nature as it used to interact with his master who was a human, Well this requires a very high level programming. 

Though it is very hard to get hands on technology like this, but Google Play Store provides you with a small version of this technology. Yes, the Google Play Store provides you an application using which you can interact with your phone easily.

Now Android also provides you, with apps which can work similarly as Jarvis. See the video below which shows three best applications in android using which you can turn your phone into JARVIS…!!!