Let Your Old Books Travel

Sell and Buy Used Books at Campus

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a young person in possession of good mind must read! Those of you who instantly said Jane Austen after reading this slightly different form of her opening line from classic, ‘Pride & Prejudice’ would have a hint as to what exactly are we going to talk about today. Yes, Books!

At Allstudyx we believe that books are more than just binding of pages, source of knowledge or even our friends. They are memories. They are the smell of those old pages from favourite novel, reminder of those late night group studies before exams where actually reading them used to be the last thing on mind, memory of using that favourite quote or references over and over again until your friends asked you to shut up, that reading to calm your nerves, living those most amazing characters, reading the same book god knows how many times and smiling each time nonetheless, having the long title of that worst course book as social networking password, finding a red rose dried up in one of them after a long time, feeling good after completing it night before exam…basically everything! One look at any one of your books and it becomes a story on its own.

But not all of them get to stay throughout and not all of them get that space in your heart or cupboard for that matter. We keep growing up and their stack keeps piling up. Course books specially because they might change with time/curriculum and not everyone likes to keep space for old ones as new ones take over next year/semester. What can be better than letting the ones that you don’t need anymore to go out and become a source of knowledge and memories for someone else who needs them. Let them out of dust and donate them to needy who’ll appreciate the kind gesture. And with our platform www.allstudyx.com you can meet those people around you or even within your campus. So take them out to someone else and make space on your shelves for something new.

“Wherever I am, if I’ve got a book with me, I have a place I can go and be happy.”

  • J K Rowling

Books are the ultimate Dumpees: Put them down and they’ll wait for your forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”

  • John Green

You can always pick anything by these two writers as a start on my suggestion for today and feel refreshed. So keep smiling, keep reading, and keep passing them on.