The Biggest Thing You Have In Your Life Is: ‘You’

Biggest gift in life is you

There come some situations in life you feel like succumbed to, but remember you defeat only when you stop trying.  It is very easy to say but if not this then what? You can easily run away from the difficulties at any point in time but what makes a difference is your will to stand firm even in the worst situation. That difference always equals to your win as a human being and a creature of this nature and of that supreme power. The process of realization of self-being starts from the very time you realize the purpose of your existence if you exist it definitely has some importance behind it.

Few points to lead a beautiful and worthy life

Never underestimate yourself

Then there come some situations when you start underestimating yourself feeling that you are not good enough or worth nothing. Here starts the point of self-realization and the process of experiencing the truth of your existence. Initially, you face problems and you try to overcome the situation after sometimes if you fail to come up with solution problems starts to overcome you, and this is the point you have to prove your mettle.

Remember every problem comes with its own solution; the only difference is the determined approach to win in any good or bad condition.

Try to improve yourself as a good human being

If you run behind materialistic world all the time the purpose of your existence will left behind which is to be a good human being above all other characteristics you have. This is the continuous process of improvement vis-à-vis your mental strength and generosity as a person.

Involve yourself physically to this materialistic world to that extent when these things are fulfilling your basic needs. Do not forget to keep your Soul away from goods and bad of this world try to nurture and nourish it with a spiritual touch.

Remember financial richness can fulfill your physical needs but for mental peace, you have to be pure at heart and soul.

Say no to negativity in all its forms

This is the basic mantra to attain success in any form. A negative thought crushes your purity of thoughts it is like the demise of a person while alive. A person acts in accordance to its thoughts so never forget to stay away from negativity in all its forms.

Socialize with people

Social acceptance is the basic need of a person other than its needs related to materialistic things. Try to make yourself who fits in the group of right people; do not force yourself to accept the status-quo while people around you try to make you accept something not right.

Socializing with people is said to have good results as you have someone around, with whom you can share your grief and happiness in good and bad times but at the same time you can not stand to the expectations of everyone. So show some courage to say no if things are not worthy of you.

Remember to accept goodness from everywhere while knowing that the evil exists.

Enhance your skills-Personal and professional

Only way to make yourself skillful is to practice and practice more. Give that another chance to every failure you face to overcome it and prove yourself a winner.

Remember don’t mistake that win with materialistic things of this world despite that count those wins as another step in your advancement in life.


Respect what you have

Complaining what you don’t have, what you can’t do, what is not in your hands and other such ifs and buts will lead your life to more complications than to provide any reasonable solution for it. The answer is practice, the more you invest your time and efforts more you find the solutions for hard times which will make you a perfect person ultimately.

Be thankful

Be thankful for each and every situation and first of all for your very existence in present form on this earth. If you are on this earth at this time it has the utmost importance above all dos and don ts, ifs, and buts, known and unknown things, yes and no because only your very existence can make the difference may be positive or negative.

Remember never forget to be Thankful and courteous for everything you have and the reason you are here.

I wasn’t ready

This is the first response for any unseen circumstances you give despite that try to accept things as it comes. Remember every situation and person is unique and requires attention in different forms so develop that instinct to deal with any situation may be good or bad in a proper way.

Believe in your strengths

This is the biggest improvement one can do. Do not stuck with failures, drawbacks, problems, hurdles or bad times rather than that focus what are your strengths. The benefit of knowing your own strengths will pave the path to all the difficult times in your life circle as you know how to face and overcome it.

Take the lead

Give sufficient time and efforts to know something and always act as a learner as this habit will make you resourceful and skillful. Once you feel like you have skills to lead someone don’t hesitate to do that. This will only give some help to you and the learner.

Accept the changes

This life is a cycle full of changes and differences. Don’t push back yourself when something different and unseen comes in your way better accept it wholeheartedly and put your best efforts to accommodate the situation.

Stay Raw

Do not try to prove yourself to every next person, instead try to prove yourself once to your own being, only this will end the cycle of continuous and useless efforts of proving oneself to whole this world. You can’t satisfy every person and situation, you can’t get what is not meant for you.

Remember Try to be yourself as no one can fill your space as you can.