Health Tips during Study: Rejuvenate and Revive Your Body

Health Tips during Study: Rejuvenate and Revive Your Body

Student life is considered to be most happening of all other circles of life. You get plenty of time to have fun, to enjoy with friends, do party, and watch movies and what not. All this fun and enjoyment goes well till the time you realize exams are inching towards you. Then suddenly things seem to be changing at the fast track with a lot of apprehensions and worries on the faces. You start trying to manage time in an optimum way and to give a maximum of your time to your studies from total time slot available to you after daily routine work and sleep which makes perfect sense. Health tips during the study or particularly during exam time have widely discussed the topic as it affects most of the students badly.

Everything goes fine when you schedule time well between your studies and personal life. But problems start arising when you find it tough to manage it. The most common reason for the stress during exams or during whole study time is not prioritizing the things well, you spend lot of time doing many things which are not related to studies like being on social media sites for hours, gossiping for long hours, spending many hours on mobile every day and most importantly not giving sufficient time to studies every day so that you can cover whole your academics syllabus within a stipulated time frame.

This mismanagement of time ultimately carries stress for your body and mental health.  So to deal with this ill preparation which caused a lot of mental and physical stress to you here are some suggestions and advice to help you to get rid of this situation.

Handle Stress: Stress during exams is common so try some of the below-mentioned techniques or the health tips to handle stress during study or exam time.

Plan your day: The primary factors include planning your day well. Schedule things and prioritize them on the first thing the first basis it will not only save your time but you will be able to finish all important tasks on time. Once you able to manage things on time you will have more time to rest or to do something of your interest. This practice will distress and ease your body and mind.

Stay Happy & positive:  Positivity is the key to every problem. When you start taking problems as an opportunity you start thinking actively and positively. You see problems with far better approach thus you get time and in-depth understanding of the problem which will help you to find some amazing and useful solutions. Staying in the consistent state of positivity you feel happier and more confident which improves your mental and physical health.

Take breaks: Take frequent short intervals between your studies and important topics. It will enhance your concentration and ability to learn and understand things fast. In these intervals you can do something of your interest may be like listening to the music, going for a quick walk, watch tv, chat with friends or anything else of your interest. If you have sufficient time to the exams you can go for some sightseeing or for some short duration tour which will reenergize you to your next task.

Time-bound studies: Once you finalize your schedule for studies gives your hundred percent to stuck to the plan. Do not try to do so many things at a time. Manage your study place before you start studying put all necessary things nearby for quick access, put only things related to studies at the place even an old photo from your school party can distract you from the study, stay away from your mobile or put it on the silent mode to avert regular distractions caused due to it. This habit will enhance your attention and improve your mental abilities.

Exercise or Meditate: Give some time to your body to heal and activate by exercising and meditating for some time. Go for a walk, cycling, gym or fitness clubs or anywhere else but make a routine to exercise for some time in a day.  Meditation or Yoga can do the wonders for your mental health.

Take enough sleep:  Rest your body by taking sufficient sleep. Do not overburden yourself with many things at a time which causes you stress and hurdle your sleeping schedule. Take a nap in between work if time allows. Lack of proper sleeping schedule will make you feel like irritated, lethargic whole day loss of attention is very common due to insufficient sleep.

Healthy Diet:  Change your food habits for good if you are embarking on junk food for a long time. Structure your meal time do not take heavy dinner as it will disturb whole your digestion system and never skip breakfast. You can take a mix of all necessary ingredients in your breakfast which could be moderate to heavy in calories. Do not forget to do some physical work after that. Include fruit and vegetable in your daily meal along with necessary protein, fiber, calcium, vitamins rich diet.

Drink water: Drink lot of water make it a habit.  Consuming water in a consistent manner keeps your body temperature controlled and keeps your body hydrated. This habit of drinking water keeps all the toxins away from your body. Try to take at least 3-4 liter water in a day. Always bring a water bottle with you wherever you go.

Connect with people: Try to stay in touch with people whom you feel like important to you. Talk to them share your problems and happy moments, discuss and take suggestions when required, make a group of people who can assist you emotionally and personally. Try to spend some time with them while doing something of your interest or play for some time together. Stay in touch with friends and family on call or chats.

Take help: Do not shy away while you require the help of someone. Talk to people from your group, experts, friends, family or anybody else who can help you to find the solution to your issue. When you discuss some problem or issue with someone they may come up with some different solution which you did not even think of.

Avoid Drinks or Drugs: Do not bog down with drinks and drugs habit as these things can give you temporarily relief but in the long run, these things will affect your body badly. You start with less quantity just to try it but later you find yourself into the habit of it. Symptoms like lethargy due to sleep disorders, irritation, mood swings, digestion problems, loss of attention are very common in almost everyone from this community.

Pro-active approach:  Try to live a pro-active life where volunteer yourself for new things and experiments. This will teach you many important things; you become more confident and self-dependent. All these things make you stronger mentally and physically.

Put Negativity away: Try to live with people who have a positive approach towards life. Put all negative things and people away from your life. Give a chance to positivity to make your life beautiful.

By applying these simple things in your life you can make your life beautiful and stress-free in any situation. Remember your academics and exams are taken to judge you on your learning and understanding capacity, not as a person who you are. So do not mistake this with your precious life.

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