Exam-phobia – Time to de-stress and some fresh air

How to handle exam pressure

School, tuitions, sports class, other learning classes, self studies, study pressure, peer pressure, grades, percentage, competition this is how students are living in present time. They have tight schedule more than any top notch businessman. We want to attract your attention towards the indecisive and relentless run, where no one is going anywhere.


This pressure can be divided into four set ‘Pressure Points’ i.e. Parents, teachers, society and peer pressure.  It is like ‘Young minds are playing with fire’ where all they have in their hands is their pre mature and inexperienced mind and heart. They are bogged down with the immense pressure from all sides, where nobody wants to understand that they are willing to live life their way and definitely they deserve it .

They want to have some breath of sigh, relaxed mind and body but problem arises from home only with burden of performance, high and sometimes unrealistic targets without getting bothered what these kids want. Parents are pre occupied with their set assumptions of academics where they want their kids to outperform them and everybody else around them besides society pressure.

Teachers are the other ‘Pressure Points’ of this burden led on these weak shoulders to perform at any cost. Parent teacher meetings are like meetings held for searching the mistakes and problems only, no one talks about solutions. Schools are no more a place to learn and enhance skills it is now more like a pressure cookers where students are steamed with all available measures.

It may sound like pessimist approach to analyzing things but it is true story of today’s time. Society people from your social circle all are there to tell you about targets, expectations, competition but they do not come with helping hand or with solutions.

Relax at exam time

Peer pressure has always exist where friends are meant to support and help you they are more like competition today. If you have scored even one mark or one grad less you are coming under pressure for sure.


First and foremost requirement is to keep environment positive. Parents, society and teachers are an invaluable support system for students during exam time. Students learn from their parents, teachers and society so this is our duty to set an example for them to let them live their life their way. Let your child know you are always there for them stay positive and help your child stay positive too.

Definitely this is important to live life with some goals and targets which makes your life worthy but being bogged down with expectations and ruin life to chase these goals makes no sense. So this is suggested to know your strengths and limits and set some realistic and achievable targets for you. If you set your own targets and achieve them then it is worthy for you and for people around you.

Body has its limits so better you need to be well rested, get a good sleep, take healthy food, live healthy life and most important to stay calm. Parents should observe child’s behavior which is very important, keep tab on signs of anxiety and stress and rectify things before it gets out of your hand. Motivate them, support them or sometime give a free hand to take them their own decisions.

Lot is expected from government part to change and improve the scheme of things vis-à-vis education sector and academic life. There should be intense research and problem finding in education industry to reach the point of solution. Worldwide reformations and quality building can be a part of this research which will benefit nation ultimately. Academics should be a blend of some spiritual values and professional practice which will make them good human being and professionally competent at the same time.

It is high time to understand this pressure is meant to be released as soon as possible to give these kids a chance to live life. Take a break from your school or college life take your bike or car and move around for some fresh air.

Happy exams…..

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